【佛山陶瓷网】唯美陶瓷广东家 |
【weimeildtaoci】2020-1-23发表: 唯美陶瓷广东家 唯美ld陶瓷品牌诞生于2003年,是唯美集团旗下广东家美陶瓷有限公司的主推品牌。2017年品牌价值达115.55亿元,连续七年上榜中国500价值品牌。唯美ld陶瓷遵循文艺复兴时期的探索精神和 唯美陶瓷广东家唯美l&d陶瓷品牌诞生于2003年,是唯美集团旗下广东家美陶瓷有限公司的主推品牌。2017年品牌价值达115.55亿元,连续七年上榜中国500价值品牌。唯美l&d陶瓷遵循文艺复兴时期的探索精神和艺术理念,从装饰艺术中探寻文化渊源,从家居生活中追寻设计灵感,探寻家居装饰与人文艺术的完美融合,满足人们浪漫、随性、精致的花样生活。 秉承“唯美制造”的精神,唯美l&d陶瓷不断追求国际化、高品质,全球市场份额不断攀升,产品涵盖“5号石材”、工业风系列、高清石喷墨全抛釉、瓷质釉面砖、微晶石、欧式仿古、瓷质抛光砖、内墙砖九大类上千花色。 唯美l&d陶瓷拥有健全的国际营销网络和设计团队,近千家专卖店遍布国内各大中小城市,产品远销欧美、东南亚等海外市场。。 唯美l&d陶瓷倡导艺术与人生的结合,不仅追求感官上的效果,更体现拥有者的人生价值与内涵。从写实到抽象、从色彩浓重的浪漫到线条严谨的精致、从古典的厚重到后现代的简约,唯美l&d陶瓷的每种风格都洋溢着生活的气息,启迪现代人对家居文化与艺术生活的思考,成为演绎各式“花样生活”的舞台! life and design! l&d ceramics brand was born in 2003 and is the major brand of jiamei company of wonderful group. 2016 brand value of 9 billion 875 million yuan, six consecutive years on the list of china's 500 most valuable brands.l&d ceramics follows the exploration spirit and artistic thought of the renaissance, seeks for the cultural origin from the decoration art, discovers the design inspiration from home life, search the perfect combination of home decoration and humanism art for meeting the romantic, free and delicate life of people. insisting on the spirit of “made by wonderful”, l&d ceramics constantly pursues internationalization and high quality, and the share in the global market increases steadily, the products covers the no. 5 stone series,the industrial wind series,archaistic polishing, high-definition stone ink-jet printed and full glazed tiles, ceramic glazed tiles, royal jade crystallite, european rustic tiles, porcelain polished tiles, altogether 8 categories and nearly 1000 varieties as one of the brands with most complete series of building ceramics at home. l&d ceramics possesses a sound international marketing network and top design team with nearly 1000 authorized stores all around china, and the products are also exported to foreign markets such as europe, america and southeast asia. l&d ceramics integrates the world latest decoration materials and modern design thought, and the world wild l&d life design house is the t-stage for the publication of decoration fashion, which can completely meet the personalized demands of consumers, and has been reputed as “the master of life design” as the sample of highest design aesthetics and artistic connotation in the building ceramics field. precise in product and focus on value, l&d ceramics advocates the perfect combination of art and life, pursues the visual effect and shows the life value and connotation of the possessor. from true-life to abstract, from colorful romance to precise delicacy, from the massive of classic to the concise of post-modern, from comfortable liberty to the noble luxury, l&d ceramics is full of the styles of life, enlightens the thinking of modern people to home culture and artistic life, and becomes the stage of showing “diversified styles of life”. life and design! 唯美l&d陶瓷历经时间的沉淀,不仅在行业内享有美誉,还获得消费者的广泛认可和各权威机构的认证。唯美l&d陶瓷集“中国500价值品牌”、“ 中国好陶瓷”、“ 中国房地产精装修项目推荐品牌”、“全国质量诚信放心品牌”、、“中国家居售后服务奖”、 “消费者喜爱的瓷砖产品奖”等荣誉于一身,用荣誉见证实力,成长书写辉煌! 中国建筑陶瓷博物馆,由广东唯美陶瓷有限公司投资兴建,坐落于广东唯美陶瓷有限公司总部,总投资3000多万元,展厅面积16000多平方米,藏品8500多件,是收藏、整理、研究和展示中国古代建筑陶瓷和企业产品标本的专题性行业博物馆。 2007年,产品研发团队对博物馆藏品的工艺、艺术、文化进行专题研究,以当代中国审美艺术与传统文化相融合,结合现代陶瓷生产工艺,创造出中国建陶原创产品——中国印象系列产品,引起行业哄动,世界建陶行业为之侧目。 中国建筑陶瓷博物馆秉承“建筑陶瓷艺术化,艺术陶瓷大众化”的建馆理念,将陶瓷品位化、艺术化、品牌化的理念融入到产品的创意与生产中去,真正做到了中西合璧、雅俗共赏、福悦生活,为大家带来最美好的祝愿。 唯美l&d陶瓷weimeildtaoci相关"唯美陶瓷广东家"就介绍到这里,如果对于唯美l&d陶瓷这方面有更多兴趣请多方了解,谢谢对唯美l&d陶瓷weimeildtaoci的支持,对于唯美陶瓷广东家有建议可以及时向我们反馈。 瓷砖相关 唯美陶瓷 唯美壁饰 唯美集团 陶瓷器皿 陶瓷出口 陶瓷颜料 陶瓷产区 陶瓷厂 ,本资讯的关键词:唯美l&d陶瓷homedecor广东家美陶瓷 (【weimeildtaoci】更新:2020/1/23 17:42:57)